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Date: Tue, 26 Dec 1995 17:16:05 -0500
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From: (Doug Peters)
To: Multiple recipients of list <>
Subject: Re: PC ANIM CLIP construction: Disney Animation Studio?
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Status: RO
> Last I checked, Disney's Animation Studio for the PC was a DOS level app.
> About two years ago, I talked to friends at Silent Software (who wrote DAS)
> regarding a Windows version (I'd be one of the ones writing it but took a
> different job). Perhaps I'll ping 'em to see if they have a Windows version
> yet and if it saves in a format LW can deal with. They DID show me
> something they were working on that was Windows based that looked cool for
> cell animating they were aiming towards the higher market. It'd also be
> great if Layout could import AVI frames like ANIM frames.
> There was even DPaint for the PC (again, DOS level) though I'm not sure if
> it had animation capabilities.
> The PC sure is behind in some respects...
Yeah, I remember seeing it... Disney Animation Studio for the PC. I
almost bought it by accident (I had/have an Amiga). I also remember an
announcement for EA's "Deluxe Paint & Animate".
But I don't know if they saved in IFF format.
I agree with the other guy, that PhotoShop is indespensible (on any
platform) But It sucks as a "Paint" Package. Painter 3.0 is great, but
it don't save as IFF (I don't think) do they make a DOS version? My .02$ is
check out the Corel Paint programs, they might have what you are looking
for on the PC. If you need IFFs for Amiga, Main Actor Broadcast is a
nice (and spendy) package for the Amiga that is also indespenceable when
Animating for video, especially in a multi-platform enviroment.
If eveyone else has said this, I apologize, my college's AIX has been